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Taiwan imported massive foreign labour from South East Asia for works which are less skillful or repeating, including of infrastructure construction, house-keeping maid. Their works ranging from repetitive manual actions in hot and humid factories, to taking care of olderies in the night. They work day and night. However, local society doesn’t appreciate their works, even doesn’t want to share the living space with them.


Train station is the place where foreign workers gather in holidays, with its accessibility and open space, it’s a good meeting point and resting place. However, since the interior renovation of Taipei Main Station building, authority removed the benches for passengers to rest in the public area. Instead, souvenir shops and restaurant came in. Every weekend foreign workers gather here, without benches, they just stand, sit, lay back, reach out their bodies on the ground. Most of foreign workers are construction labour, worker in factories and house-keeping maid. Taipei Main Staion is a public space for local people, yet it’s an ultimate cozy house for foreign workers (since they have endless work in employer’s house). Spreading out the cardboard, clothes or simply being seated themselves, workers will gahter naturally. Chatting over job, homeland, romance, foriegn workers from Indonesia, Philippines, Thai and other countries turn the train staion into a harbour, where their dreams of homeland can temporarily moor.


Recently, Taipei Main Station has prohibited passengers to sit, lay back or to eat on the ground of lobby since they considered the bahaviors above are eyesore and causing inconvenience to others. Ever since the announcement, foreign workers lost the only place where they can relax and have social life. Especially for foreign workers who do house-keeping works, for their employers, house is private area, but it’s a busy working place for them. If we are given the same rights to reside, to use the public space, when we’re not able to provide enough comfortable public space for people who work for us, where can we ask them to go? If Train Staion lobby were meadow in the park, would people change their minds?

Do we need to acclaim that is being immoral, do we need meadow in the station, or we are lack of understanding of what is public space, and need more imagination towards public space?




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